Ross opened his presentation by stating that he always feels comfortable in a Rotary environment, as his father was a Rotarian. When Ross began skiing at a young age in Colorado, he never could have known how far he would go, or what an impact he would have on young people pursuing this sport of Speed Skiing.
While his professional accomplishments can be discovered by reading his biography or viewing a YouTube video (especially the New Mexico True campaign), it was very inspiring to hear Ross’ thoughts on living well, achieving big goals, and showing gratitude for those who care for you on your life’s journey. Ross has been honored over the years for many “firsts,” and acknowledged that any mistake was just an opportunity to learn how to be better next time.
He now intentionally and passionately spends his time giving back to the sport and young people. Ross says he always has time to stop and talk with kids and tells them to “stick to the subject of your dreams, and you will see successes.” As he so eloquently stated, when someone plants a seed of a dream, the seed will grow into a tree with a strong base and extending branches, allowing even more seeds to grow.
To close this interesting and compelling presentation, Ross’ wife Juanita shared her musical talents with us by singing and playing her guitar.
JJ Jain joins the Paul Harris Society
JJ introduces his Board of Directors for 2025-2026
At the December 11 meeting of the Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Norte, members unanimously approved the Board of Directors for Rotary Year 2025-2026. President-Elect J.J. Jain presided over the elections, marking the beginning of another promising chapter for the club. The new board combines fresh perspectives and experienced leadership to continue the club's commitment to service and community impact.
Congratulations to the newly elected board members:
Alex Lavidge, Public Image
Rachelle Ford, Board Secretary
Miles Wolf, Treasurer
Jill Cook, Membership
Returning to the board for another term are:
Sondra Carpenter, Youth Programs
Sherri Wells, Club Service/Fellowship
Jacqui Bernstein, Community Service
Dax Kastrin/Louise Romero, Programs
Kim Helm, RI Foundation
Noel Valencia, Vocational Services
Additionally, Zac Anaya has been appointed Sergeant-At-Arms, and Marty Padilla will serve as Satellite Chair. Sandy Seligman will become President-Elect (Club President for 2026-2027), and Monica Padilla will serve as Vice President (Club President for Rotary Year 2027-2028). Their dedication and expertise will be invaluable in supporting the club’s initiatives and fostering fellowship among members.
President-Elect Jain expressed gratitude to all board members, both new and returning, for their willingness to serve. "Our club thrives because of the dedication and leadership of individuals like you. Together, we will continue to make a meaningful difference in our community and beyond," Jain said.
The Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Norte looks forward to the new Rotary year, guided by the talents and dedication of its Board of Directors. Congratulations to all, and thank you for your service!
The Christmas Meeting
The Enchanters entertain the Club
For the Christmas meeting, the club was entertained by the Enchanters with a medley of Christmas songs old and new.
And, as usual, Maureen Anderson led the tables in a rousing version of The Twelve Days of (New Mexico) Christmas.
The Grinch joined us
Around the Club
Holiday Party at Ranchers Club
More Holiday Dinner
Del Norte’s 2024 Breakfast Santas at Work
This December, the 4th Annual Santa Breakfast was again a heartwarming event that left a lasting impression on everyone involved. In a delightful twist, a group of Del Norte Rotary Santas enjoyed breakfast together and then surprised a local waitress with a $700 tip.
Her emotional reaction captured the spirit of the season: "I am going to the kitchen to cry, thank you!” This gesture not only brightened her day but also touched on the true meaning of giving during the holidays.
The Breakfast Santas are looking forward to 2025, and to providing more heartwarming moments.
Del Norte club generously appreciates our Hilton wait-staff
Steve Echols, guest at the December 11th meeting, who provided bicycles as holiday gifts for Hawthorne and Saranam children, is looking for a new warehouse and workspace for the work he does for our community. Please let Jacqui B. know if you have a possible connection!
Tom Walker announced JJ Jain as the newest member to the Paul Harris Society. Thank you for your dedication to our club and to the projects and mission of Rotary.
Chet Stewart awarded a Paul Harris Award to Steve Scott. Chet commented on how meaningful his friendship with Steve has been over the many years they have known each other, and Steve thanked Rotary, Chet, and his family for their love and support.
Steve, and his sister Donette, with friends.
Erin Connelly, District 5520 RYLA Chair has announced the Directors of RYLA 2025
Co-Directors of Girls RYLA 2025
Jill Cook—Rotary Club of Albuquerque del Norte
Ames Davis- Rotary Club of El Paso
Director of Boys RYLA 2025
Joe Gudenrath—Rotary Club of El Paso
Save the Dates
Wednesday, January 8, Regular Club Meeting – Special Guest, District Governor Yasser Murga
Friday, January 10 – Second First Friday Happy Hour – White Elephant Exchange – hosted by Kathie Williams; details coming
Wednesday, January 22, Regular Club Meeting – ANNUAL BUSINESS TRADE SHOW
Friday, February 7 – First Friday Happy Hour hosted by Alice Mehlberg; 5:30 PM; bring a savory or sweet treat to share; BYOB
Have a joke to share at a meeting? Send it to our illustrious Sergeant-at-Arms, Norm Liss. If he uses it, you win a FREE Lucky Bucks ticket!
Erratum: The December edition of Northwind incorrectly the identified the person who collected the bicycle helmets for the children. That unknown secret Santa has our thanks.
The President's Corner
Happy New Year, fellow Rotarians!
As we enter 2025, I want to reflect on the incredible moments we shared during the past month and express my gratitude for your unwavering commitment to our Rotary mission. December was truly a month to remember, filled with holiday cheer, fellowship, and service to our community. Here are some highlights:
First Friday Happy Hour – December 6
We kicked off the holiday season with a delightful First Friday Happy Hour hosted by Bob and me. It was wonderful to see so many of you enjoying the warmth of fellowship and celebrating the season together. Thank you for making the evening so special!
Club Holiday Dinner – December 8
Our Holiday Dinner at the Rancher’s Club was a spectacular event! The ambiance was perfect, the food was outstanding, and Julia's lovely piano music set the tone for a magical evening. Thanks to Sherri Wells and the Club Service/Fellowship Committee for organizing this great event. Thank you to everyone who attended and made this night to remember.
Club Meeting Holiday Party – December 18
Our annual holiday party during the club meeting was full of laughter and festive spirit. We were serenaded by "The Ensemble," followed by Maureen Anderson, who led us in the "Twelve Days of Christmas—New Mexico Style." It was a joyful celebration that genuinely captured the essence of the season.
Successful Angel Tree Drive
Thank you to Jacqui Bernstein and the Community Service Committee for organizing the Angel Tree drive. Your efforts brought cheer and happiness to many deserving families, embodying the spirit of "Service Above Self."
Looking Ahead to an Amazing 2025
As we look forward to the year ahead, I am excited about the opportunities and special events that await us. Our District 5520 Governor, Yasser Murga (Rotary Club of El Paso), will attend our club meeting on Wednesday, January 8. He will share important news from the district and bring an exciting auction basket for our club to bid on, with proceeds benefiting the Rotary Foundation. Please plan to attend and show your Del Norte Rotary spirit!
In place of our regular meeting on Wednesday, January 22, we have scheduled our annual Business Trade Show. This promises to be an informative event showcasing the many businesses of our members.
With increased membership and more service projects on the horizon, 2025 will be a year of growth, impact, and meaningful change for our community. Our club is more vibrant than ever as our dedicated Rotarians continue to step up to serve Rotary globally and locally. Let’s continue to work together to make a difference in the lives of others!
Wishing you all a prosperous and fulfilling New Year!
Yours in Rotary Service,
Sandy – President, Rotary Club of Albuquerque Del Norte