President Mary Tieman Highlights our Rotary Year
In this week’s presentation Mary helped us celebrate our 2022-23 Rotary Club accomplishments. Focusing on stronger communication and member engagement, Mary and our Board of Directors completed a year of significant accomplishments:
Three hundred people attended a successful Gala with the Folds of Honor NM and helped raise $135,000 for scholarships for surviving families of military and emergency responders.
A fabulous party celebrated the eighties and our 35th Club Founders Day, raising over $5,000 for our Del Norte Foundation.
The annual Fish Fry at the home of Ken Abbott raised $3,500 for Polio Plus.
A special International Foundation Dinner presented 20 Paul Harris Awards for outstanding service during the year.
Pop-up Events at local restaurants and stores all year long, and great parties brought Fellowship to our members.
Twenty of our business members enjoyed a new Business Membership Program that provided multiple advertising opportunities.
Community Service projects serviced nonprofits at Road Runner Food Bank, Vitalant Blood Service, Saranam, and the Safe House.
International Grants funded over $5,000 in water projects in several parts of the world.
A Vocational Trade Fair highlighted the services of our Business Members.
A RYLA Experience let us all feel like we attended a day at camp and celebrated our RYLA campers that will be attending.
Our Annual Rotary Picnic at Rotary Park helped us learn about the history of the park.
Our Public Image programs updated our Rotary Branding and promoted our media presence within the community.
The Northwind Newsletter was rejuvenated to provide monthly information on meetings and activities to the club.